KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKThe California Democrat Assembly District Election Meetings Are ComingWait… the what? We explain the ADEM Elections.Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKThis Wednesday, Stop Developer Giveways, Support a Just HollywoodWe need affordable housing in Hollywood, not more luxury hotels.Dec 8, 2020Dec 8, 2020
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKA Red TelephoneAn exercise in publishing perspectives not typically represented in the Opinion pages of the Los Angeles Times.Nov 15, 2020Nov 15, 2020
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKResults of KNOCK.LA’s Candidates in LA County’s Small CitiesBig wins, narrow misses… check in to see how KNOCK’s recommended, hyperlocal candidates and ballot measures played out this election.Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKLA’s Election Results Show a City Hungry for Meaningful ChangeAs results come in, a clear picture emerges: establishment politicians in LA should be scared.Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKCommunity Organizers Express Their Views on the Presidential ElectionSome activists in California — a safely blue state — are choosing to cast their vote for third-party candidates.Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKThe KNOCK.LA California State Proposition Cheat Sheet for the November 2020 General ElectionVote like your everything depends on it!Nov 1, 2020Nov 1, 2020
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKGeorge Gascón for DA: A Case in Three LawsWhat does reform mean to the candidates? Not much, in Lacey’s case.Oct 27, 20201Oct 27, 20201
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKԱդրբեջանի Ագրեսյան Կոտրում է Անջելեսցիների ՍրտերըԵթե դուք ապրում եք Լոս Անջելես շրջանի տարածքում, ապա ամենայն հավանականությամբ տեսած եք վերջին մի քանի շաբաթների ընթացքում ճանապարհների…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
KNOCK.LA EditorialinKNOCKOp-Ed: Prop 17 Provides Redemptive Justice for ParoleesBy Anna Lisa Bastian and Clancey CornellOct 23, 2020Oct 23, 2020